Build and push artifacts and images
There are many ways you can use Harness CI to upload artifacts.
Build and Push to Docker
Use a CI pipeline to build and push an image to a Docker registry.
Build and Push to ACR
Use a CI pipeline to build and push an image to ACR.
Build and Push to ECR
Learn how to use the Build and Push to ECR step.
Build and Push to GAR
Use a CI pipeline to build and push an image to GAR.
Build and Push to GHCR
Use a CI pipeline to build and push an image to GitHub Container Registry.
Build and Push to JFrog Docker registries
Use a CI pipeline to build and push an image to a JFrog Docker registry.
Upload Artifacts to GCS
Add a step to upload artifacts to Google Cloud Storage.
Upload Artifacts to JFrog
Add a step to upload artifacts to JFrog.
Upload Artifacts to S3
Upload artifacts to AWS or other S3 providers such as MinIo.
Upload artifacts to Sonatype Nexus
You can use Harness CI to upload artifacts to Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager.
Build and push with non-root users
Use the buildah plugin if you can't use the built-in Build and Push steps.
Build images without pushing
You can build images without pushing them.
Build multi-architecture images
You can build multi-architecture images in a CI pipeline.
Export artifacts by email
Use the Drone Email plugin to export reports and other artifacts by email.
Build and Push to GCR (Pending deprecation)
Use a CI pipeline to build and push an image to GCR.
Publish anything to the Artifacts tab
You can publish any URL to the Artifacts tab.